Blue Devil 2.0

Teachnology for K-5 Teachers

Happy Constitution Day!


This day commemorates the September 17, 1787 signing of the United States Constitution. This year is the 226th anniversary of the Constitution.  Here is a link to a Brainpop movie that you can use to celebrate.  Don’t forget that there are activities with each video that can enhance your instruction.

BrainPOP - U.S. Constitution

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Webinar Wednesday


For those of you who do not have a meeting scheduled today, Brainpop has an interesting webinar on using Google Apps and Brainpop.   Even if you cannot “attend” this session live, you will be able to view the archived presentation on your own time.

Wednesday, January 23rd at 3:30 PM ET- Google This: BrainPOP and Google Apps for Education

Explore BrainPOP’s integration with Google Application for Education and the Google Chrome web application. Andrew Gardner, BrainPOP Educators Senior Manager, will discuss the benefits of integrating Google and BrainPOP, including single sign-on, the ability to collect quiz score data directly into a spreadsheet, and more.

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Gobble Gobble


Looking for some ressources to use this week in preparation for Thanksgiving?  Here are a few.

Education World


Happy tech trails Blue Devils!


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Day 10


Finally got my power back yesterday.  Internet has been off and on and now there is another storm coming.  It feels like months since we have been at work and there will be a lot to do when we get back.  There are many roads in Westfield that are unsafe and I know many in the Wilson area are without power.  Hopefully this storm will be no more than a nuisance and we can go back to work tomorrow.

When we do get back, there will be some great discussions to be had with your students.  The storm and the election will be hot topics to discuss and technology can help you do this.  Brainpop has some great videos and Time for Kids and Scholastic will also serve as good resources to keep on top of current events.



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Webinar Wednesday


For those of you looking for more election resources, Brainpop will be holding a webinar in two weeks on this topic. Remember, registration is free and the chance to collaborate with other educators is priceless.

Wednesday, October 17th at 4:00 PM ET- On the Ballot: Election-Themed Games from iCivics

With election season upon us, we’ve got just what you need to teach your students about the path to becoming president. Our friends at iCivics join us for a look at the fabulous teacher resources and interactive games they offer, including those available on GameUp. See how pairing their “Win the White House” and “Executive Command” with BrainPOP’s resources gives you the perfect tools for engaging students as they learn about the election process.

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Election 2012 Resources


Many of you have requested resources that will help you and your students prepare for this November’s upcoming election.  Here are a few.

From the New York Times, a list of websites to use in your classroom:

Time for Kids has a bunch of articles pertaining to the election that you can use as a reading or social studies lesson.

 Of course, Brainpop and Brainpop Jr.  have a ton of videos and lessons.


Please share any ideas/resources of your own in the comment section.

Happy tech trails Blue Devils!

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National Punctuation Day


Did you know that today is National Punctuation Day?  Here are two resources to use in your classroom today.

Show this Brainpop Movie on Punctuation.  Please also take the time to check out the additional resources that Brainpop provides with all their lessons.  Great way to turn the clip into a fun and engaging full lesson.

Finally, the official National Punctuation Day website.

Happy tech trails Blue Devils!

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Webinar Wednesday


As Brainpop puts it,”PD in your PJs!”.

A webinar is an on-line seminar that you can take from the comfort of your own home or where ever you want. Many websites run webinars on a variety of topics. Some are free and some do cost money. They have a scheduled time, but many webinars are archived so you can watch them whenever you want. During a webinar, a presenter demonstrates the topic being covered and participants can chat and ask questions as the webinar is occurring.

I “attended” one last week on Brainpop and it was great. In their “Brainpop Educators” section, there are sessions that go live every Wednesday afternoon.Like many of you, Wednesdays are hard so I went to the archives and watched the webinar on Sunday instead. I also watched football as well, so it was one of the best PD sessions I could have.

As a note, you may have to download certain programs to run the webinars on you computer. Different sites use different software. As long as it is from a well-known site, the software is safe and easy to install. Every Wednesday I will be offering suggestions for webinars on topics I think would interest you.

Today’s Brainpop webinar introduces us to all the new features of Brainpop available this year. You do need to sign up, but the Brainpop sessions are free. I have had a preview and there is a lot to see. I hope you get a chance to check it out!

Any questions please ask in the comment section below.

Happy tech trails Blue Devils!

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Remembering September 11th


Today is a day that we stop and remember the awful events that happened eleven years ago. For the group of students we teach now, this date has always been a part of their lives. How we approach the subject in our class is a individual decision based on the age group and nature of our students. I used the BrainPop video below to start a discussion with my fifth graders about how they felt about the anniversary. The video explains what happened in a truthful and solemn way.

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